Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2010

TurboGears2 application using Apache and mod_wsgi

Here are the steps I went through to get a TurboGears2 application running using Apache and mod_wsgi. It assumes that apache2 and mod_wsgi are configured and properly set up (don't forget to a2enmod wsgi in order to load the wsgi module). There is a good example documented at

Install the required packages:

zypper in apache2
zypper in apache2-mod_wsgi
zypper in python-wsgideploy

Create a new turbogears application using paster. This one is called labum
paster quickstart labum

Go into the newly created application root folder
cd labum

Create an apache wsgi setup for the application
paster modwsgi_deploy

Go into the newly created folder 'apache'
cd apache

Edit the labum.wsgi file to suit your environment. I quickstarted the labum application in the
folder /home/cfarrell/Dokumente/labum, so I need to remove the default references to /usr/local/turbogears. I do this in vi using

Copy the the file 'labum' in the 'apache' directory to the apache2 configuration directory. On openSUSE this worked (all *.conf files in /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/ are auto loaded by apache):
cp /home/cfarrell/Dokumente/labum/apache/labum /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/labum.conf

Go back into your turbogears application directory:
cd /home/cfarrell/Dokumente/labum

Copy your development.ini file to production.ini and remove the debugging by setting
debug = False in the first couple of lines

Reload apache and go to http://localhost/labum. If everything worked, you should now be able to see your TurboGears application. If it didn't, you should see what happened by looking at

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