Alex Graf put me on the right track. He pointed out that the uboot-setup.tgz file in the JeOS-cubox package also needs to be updated. The contents of this .tgz are used to rewrite the initrd. When you unpack uboot-setup.tgz, you get a directory called kiwi-hook. In this directory are two files. I had forgotten to modify the file so that the ramdiskaddr there is also update to 0x5000 from 0x3000.
Once I fixed the and recreated uboot-setup.tgz, I called the script (also in the JeOS-cubox package). This script regenerates the file using the modifications I had made to the file (i.e. changing the console line from ttyS0,115200n8 to ttySO,115200).
After recreating the new image, I dd'd it over to a mini SD card and tried it out. I got past yast2-firstboot and rebooted. This time I got past the "loading initrd" but the this error occurred:
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 3965190144
Bus Width: 4-bit
Loading file "/boot.scr" from mmc device 0:1 mmcda1
723 bytes read
## Executing script at 02000000
## Error: "kerneladdr" not defined
## Error: "ramdiskaddr" not defined
Loading file "uImage" from mmc device 0:1 (mmcda1)
3927920 bytes read
Loading file "initrd" from mmc device 0:1 (mmcda1)
undefined instruction
pc : [<9e34e23c>] lr : [<036352b8>]
sp : 035ff530 ip : 03604478 fp : c6b2fd2b
r10: aad350f6 r9 : d13d13bf r8 : 035fffcc
r7 : 8d7ea4d5 r6 : b697c9bf r5 : 45f7c8d6 r4 : 4a59273d
r3 : ffffffff r2 : 00000001 r1 : 007a1200 r0 : 00000000
Flags: nzcv IRQs off FIQs off Mode SVC_32
Resetting CPU ...
The bootloader will continue looping to that point, until the power cable is pulled. So now it looks as though the new initrd - the one that is automatically created out of the in the kiwi-hooks directory (i.e. the contents of uboot-setup.tgz) somehow contains an illegal instruction. The next task is to identify what is going on there - which instruction is illegal.
Stay tuned! We're getting close.
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