Freitag, 14. Dezember 2012

Graphics on the CuBox!!!

Finally, at least partial success on getting a graphical interface working on the CuBox. The trick was the bootargs line that the boot.scr needs to contain. How I did this was as follows:

  1. cd /boot
  2. vi boot.script
  3. append video=dovefb:lcd0:1280x720-24@60-edid clcd.lcd0_enable=1 clcd.lcd1_enable=0 to the bootargs line
  4. save and exit the editor
  5. run the command old boot.scr
  6. make a new boot.scr with mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n 'graphics maybe' -d boot.script boot.scr
  7. make sure a HDMI cable is plugged into the CuBox (and into a monitor)
  8. reboot
And this is what it looks like:


In the video you'll see that I tried to start YaST while running in a root session. The CuBox spat out an error: xdg-su: no graphical method available for invoking '/sbin/yast2' as 'root' - so maybe that is just not supported anywhere...

1 Kommentar:

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i found this page via the link on the solidrun cubox wiki page for opensuse. you seem to be doing a lot of work on cubox+opensuse, so i figured i could ask you a few questions here. i hope you dont mind that this comment is not directly related to your post.
to reduce the wear on the sdcard, i did some adjustments (disabled swap, noatime, /tmp mounted as tmpfs). i aslo wanted to disable the journal on the root-fs (which is ext3). normally with ext3 you can simply mount it as ext2, but the opensuse image seems to not honor fstab. so changing the fstype of / in fstab has no effect. do you know how to achive that?
im no opensuse expert, but there seems to be no non-oss repo for the suse arm port. how do i install multimedia packages such as "lame", "faad", "mpg123", etc. on cubox?

thanks a lot for your help!